On the way out, Kalifa decided to play a little game with Robin. Hopefully nobody notices what’s under Robin’s skirt.
Made by Erelzen
“Oh, Robin-sensei. Good morning.” At the classroom entrance, Kalifa greeted her colleague the History teacher Nico Robin.
“This is a pleasant surprise, Kalifa-sensei. Were you giving personal counselling to young Sanji-kun?” With a knowing smile, she looked over at Sanji who was collapsed on his desk, pervertedly chuckling to himself.
“We happened to exchange some words, yes, but I’m here to see you.” She pushed up her glasses and cleared her throat, “As you may be aware, your class boasts the highest attendance rate in the school, so have been tasked with informing you that you will be receiving a raise. Congratulations.”
“Ah, is that so?” Robin responded with the same gentle calmness she always displayed, not showing even the slightest hint of reaction from the praise. However, Kalifa’s expression turned from a pleasant smile to a flat expression, as she was somewhat irked by Robins’s apathetic attitude. An invisible tension began to rise in the air between the two women, both of them facing each other in silence for a long moment. Kalifa was someone who did her job best by reading people and figuring out what was going through their head, so someone like Robin who kept their emotions hidden, vexed her greatly. As the two passed each other, Robin let out a slight yelp as something was suddenly jammed into her asshole. The sensation of firm silicone spreading her tight hole caused her knees to tremble, “K-Kalifa-sensei…?”
Having pulled Robin’s thin thong aside and inserted a small black object into her plump ass with lightning speed, Kalifa allowed a slight smile to creep across her face. “However, I have my doubts as to the reason for your high attendance rate.” With students beginning to file through the hall to their lockers, Robin didn’t dare to lift her skirt to remove the plug that was firmly lodged inside her. She could only look at Kalifa with an expression of shock. “It’s no secret that you are an attractive woman, Robin-sensei, and I do believe that contributes to your success. I have my suspicions that you are secretly sleeping with your students, and that you are deserving of harsh punishment instead of a raise.”
Doing her best to compose herself, Robin yet again adopted her gentle smile, “Is that all? I don’t see how your suspicions have any relevance to the decision of the school board.”
A crack of irritation flashed across Kalifa’s expression for a brief moment, “Indeed. That is why I am taking the initiative to perform a little test. It’s quite simple really, if you aren’t a pervert then you’ll have nothing to worry about. Simply go the entire class without touching yourself and I won’t raise any objections with the school board.” She turned her head, glaring back at Robin, “But if you so much as brush your needy pussy against the corner of your desk, and I’ll have you tied up in the basement while I ream your asshole with my extra-large ribbed strapon. Am I clear?”
Robin paused for a moment in contemplation, “Very well, since it seems you won’t be convinced no matter what I say. I accept those terms.” And with that, she turned back and entered the classroom.
Their conversation finished, Kalifa made a quick exit out of the school building, circling around to the windows outside the class. “You little slut~♥ I’ll wipe that smile from your face and have you begging me to touch your pussy while I ruin your ass.” Robin was the only person who could make Kalifa mutter such an uncharacteristically angry threat. She whipped out her phone and loaded up a special app, a controller for wireless vibrators. Peeking into the classroom, she watched as Robin was writing the day’s lesson plan on the chalkboard, the classroom having filled with students at that point. Half of them were unabashedly staring at her butt, the vibrator just barely out of sight underneath her short skirt. If she were to lean forward just a slightly too much, her plugged-up ass would be in full view of every single student.
“Good morning class.” Showing not even a hint of nervousness, Robin dove into her regular routine, putting the buttplug out of her mind. “Today we’ll be continuing our lesson on the folklore of the Wano civilization, and the impact it has had on our modern-day culture. Please turn to page 48 of your textbook.” The shuffling of pages filled the room, and Robin began to write some notes about some famous demons.
Outside the window, Kalifa was watching her very carefully. “You seem to be doing fine so far Miss Robin, I expected as much from you. But how about if I send a quick pulse…♪”
“You may be familiar with what a ‘kappa’ is, a green water yokai. While it is often shown as a cute mascot character, its origins are much daAAArker!!” Robin’s voice raised suddenly as the toy whirred into motion mid-sentence, surprising her with the sudden vibration on her very sensitive anus. “Ahem, excuse me.” Some of the students shot her a quizzical look, but she was quick to move on. “Kappa of legend are quite daAAAAAngerous! Th-They grab humans who wander near the wah-waAAAAaahhterrr!!” Robin knew that the vibrations were coming, but she was finding it extremely difficult to steel herself and not react to them when she didn’t know the exact moment they were coming. It seemed like just as she would begin to relax her clenching hole, the toy would drill a sudden jolt of pleasure into her while she was defenceless.
Outside Kalifa had a sadistic smirk, already the students were catching on that something was unusual about today’s class. She didn’t miss the slight blush forming on Robin’s face, whether it was from embarrassment or a flush of arousal remained to be seen. “Mhmhm~ That’s it, dance for me Robin, show me your true face.” She expertly operated the vibrator, sensing from Robin’s subtle body language when a blast of sweet vibration in her ass would have the greatest effect.
Robin turned around and began writing on the chalkboard, allowing her forced plain expression to slip into one of pleasure, her eyelids fluttering and teeth gritting. She was adamantly keeping the lesson going, not wanting to give the students a chance to question the strange noises coming from her. “Y-Yes, Kappa of legend, much like most of popular yoh- OOOHHH!!! Y-Yokai in fiction, they were deadly k-k-killerrrrrssss!!” She couldn’t keep talking like this, “Ahh… S-Say… Ch-Chopper-kun, could you read aloud the kappa’s method of killing?” She was buying herself a few precious moments to catch her breath by passing the reading on to a student. She leaned on her podium as her head began spinning with arousal.
“M-Me? Y-Yes-sensei!” The small-statured boy nervously fidgeted in his seat, he wasn’t expecting to be called upon so early in the class. “Uhm… K-Kappa are known for uhm… R-Reaching into the… b-butts of humans, and pulling out their souls…”
“R-Right…!” The mere mention of butts brought about visions of the green goblins in Robin’s mind, how it would feel to have a small hand being shoved up inside her back hole, stretching her out, making her feel good. “N-No!” Robin reflexively shouted realizing that she was being drawn into a daydream, “I-I mean, you are correct Chopper. While this is now known to be false… Haah… it was a common fear for rural villagers at the time. Ahhhhn! ♥” Murmurs began to circulate, students asking each other if they noticed something strange with Robin-sensei, if she was alright. All the while Kalifa kept up the perfectly timed barrage of quick vibrations to keep Robin on her toes.
“Nhhg… L-Let’s move on to the next page shall we?” As Robin and her class flipped to the next page of the textbook, several gasps erupted around the room, the loudest of all being Robin’s own voice. “Oh my… That’s… “ In no uncertain terms, what was displayed on the page was an artistic depiction of a nude woman being assaulted by a red oni. The monster pinning her to the ground, his inhumanly large penis inserted into her anus. There were several hoots and laughter in the class, the unexpectedly lewd image a big surprise. Sanji nearly fell out of his desk at the blatant pornographic image in the textbook.
“Oh dear… Something like this in the textbook… Is…“ Robin’s face turned beet red, this being the worst possible thing for her to see at this point. It was heavily stylized, but it was still clear enough that the woman was incredibly pleasured. ”It’s even anal… Nhgaaaaahhh!!! ♥♥” As if sensing that it was the perfect opportunity while Robin was taken aback, Kalifa turned the vibe up to full blast, leaving it buzzing away instead of the usual quick burst. Robin couldn’t stifle her voice this time, her overtly sensual moan drawing the full attention of the class. Her back arched, she trembled and shook with her eyes pinched tightly shut, weathering the deluge of incredible pleasure radiating out from her ass.
It was at this point that she was beginning to realize the true terror of Kalifa’s test, it wasn’t the sudden pleasure, it wasn’t the fear of being found out by her students, no the worst thing about the vibe torturing her ass was that it made her really, really, really want to cum. She slammed her hands down on the podium, silencing the remaining chuckles at the lewd image and drawing all eyes to her. “Y-Yes, this image is certainly… v-very risque for a textbook… Nhg… Ahh… B-But it shows that w-we humans have had similar interests throughout history! Gahh! P-Please c-continue reading the next few pages on your own… Nhg! I-In silence please…!”
The students knew that something was strange for sure, but with Robin urging them to continue, they soon forgot about it, instead being engrossed in the rich history of erotic artwork. Robin herself couldn’t tear her eyes away from the page, her mind awash in lust, her mind filled with fantasies of anal sex with the large muscular brute. For the rest of the class she was locked to her spot behind the podium, she had to keep her lower body hidden from now on or else the students would see the glistening trails of hot juices streaming down her legs from her desperately needy pussy. The anal stimulation felt so damn good, but she couldn’t get off on it alone. However, a quick glance out the window showed that Kalifa was monitoring her every movement very closely, she couldn’t relieve herself if she wanted to.
The next hour of class was an agony of hellish forced pleasure, each second that passed making Robin feel more and more depraved. More than a few times she considered just taking the loss and masturbating secretly, but some sense of pride inside her just wouldn’t allow her to masturbate in front of her class, in front of her friends. She bit her lip, eyes wandering, unable to help but fantasize about performing lewd acts with anyone that caught her eye. Zoro had quite the muscular body, Sanji would be quite attentive to her needs, even Ussop desperately humping away was a romantic concept to the far too horny teacher. Her eyes passed by Chopper, lingering on him for a time as he very pointedly avoided her gaze while blushing. He was so adorable, Robin felt like she was going to cum just looking at his cute blushing face. But… she didn’t. The class was still far from over, yet it was all Robin could do to not collapse into a heap with her body screaming at her to cum by any means.
It was clear Robin wasn’t going to give in, that much was apparent to Kaifa as she wished she had brought a bigger and stronger vibrator. “Tch. She really is holding on, I’m actually quite impressed. It’s a shame that I won’t get to play with her on more personal terms, but seeing her squirm so shamefully is enough for now.” Gazing over Robin, she giggled to herself, “At least she got taken down a peg, I’ll make sure to properly and efficiently break her next time~”

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